How to Make Seed Salak:

600 g yellow sweet potatoes, peeled, steamed, mashed
100 g starch
1 tsp fine salt
½ tsp vanilla powder
2 drops yellow food coloring
100 g brown sugar, chopped fine
100 g sugar
1500 ml of water
1 pandan leaves, cut into pieces
½ tsp fine salt
2 tbsp cornflour
3 cm cinnamon


200 ml thick coconut milk
150 g piece of fresh agar

How to Make Seed Salak compote:

Biji Salak: Mix the sweet potatoes that have been mashed with flour, vanilla, food coloring and salt and stir well. Take one teaspoon of dough, bentul into the dots. Heat the water, boil the beans until cooked and floating bark. Lift. Enter cooked in cold water, drain.
Sauce: Boil water, put sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, pandan leaves potonga, a solution of starch and salt and stir well. Cook, stirring, boil and stir until cooked. Shortly before his appointment, enter the seed bark and stir well. Lift.
Serving: Pour soup beans bark and its contents into the serving bowl. Add the chopped jelly and coconut milk. Serve warm.

To 6 portions

Tip: For variety of contents, seed pieces of bark can be added to and fro, jackfruit or durian. Suggested breaking the fast with a sweet dish to the energy recovered. One of the typical snack seeds fasting is barking. Sweet taste with a fragrant pandan aroma. Additional pieces of gelatin as an ingredient to make the content is rich in fiber tajil


Cara Membuat Biji Salak:

600 g ubi jalar kuning, kupas, kukus, haluskan
100 g tepung kanji
1 sdt garam halus
½ sdt bubuk vanili
2 tetes pewarna makanan warna kuning
100 g gula merah, iris halus
100 g gula pasir
1500 ml air
1 lembar daun pandan, potong-potong
½ sdt garam halus
2 sdm tepung kanji
3 cm kayu manis


200 ml santan kental
150 g potongan agar-agar tawar

Cara Membuat Kolak Biji Salak:

Biji Salak: Campur ubi jalar yang telah dihaluskan dengan tepung kanji, vanili, pewarna makanan dan garam, aduk rata. Ambil satu sendok teh adonan, bentul menjadi bulatan-bulatan. Panaskan air, rebus biji salak hingga matang dan terapung. Angkat. Masukkan dalam air dingin matang, tiriskan.
Kuah: Didihkan air, masukkan gula pasir, gula merah, kayu manis, potonga daun pandan, larutan tepung kanji dan garam, aduk rata. Masak sambil diaduk-aduk hingga mendidih dan matang. Sesaat sebelum diangkat, masukkan biji salak, aduk rata. Angkat.
Penyajian: Tuang kuah biji salak beserta isinya ke dalam mangkuk saji. Tambahkan potongan agar-agar dan santan kental. Sajikan hangat.

Untuk 6 Porsi

Tips: Untuk variasi isi, biji salak bisa ditambahkan potongan kolang-kaling, nangka atau durian. Berbuka puasa disarankan dengan hidangan yang manis agar energi kembali pulih. Salah satu kudapan khas berbuka puasa adalah biji salak. Cita rasanya legit dengan aroma wangi pandan. Tambahan potongan agar-agar sebagai bahan isi membuat tajil ini kaya akan serat


1 small bunch green beans (cut into long matchsticks)
200 g of peanut
2 pcs of corn
2 pcs squash (cubed)
2 tablespoons tamarind fruit or to taste
1 pc eggplant
leaves melinjo
fruit melinjo
Tetelan 500 gr meat (cubed)
3 cm galangal
7 large red chilli pcs (oblique slices)
1 tablespoon granulated sugar

Spices that are:
7 btr onion
5 cloves garlic
1 btr hazelnut

How to make:
– Meat boiled to empuk.Tiriskan tetelan
– Boil Water
– Put all ingredients are mashed, sliced ​​chilies, ginger, sugar, tamarind fruit into the water and then put all the ingredients in the cooking water.
– After that enter the corn, peanuts and melinjo until tender. Then enter the squash, green beans, melinjo leaves, eggplant.
– Stir briefly. Lift.

Serve with a side dish and chili paste.